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How do I configure Sourcetree to use UltraCompare for diff and merge on my mac

Mark McCurry
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December 14, 2012

Been using Sourcetree for my GIT repos because its SWEET! Recently picked up UltraCompare (part of UltraEdit) because I needed a good diff toll on the mac (and linux and win boxes). UC looks capable of doing diffs and merges, but I can't seem to get Sourcetree to use it. Are there instructions somewhere for setting it up? Thanks!

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chuck bradford
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August 26, 2013

The updated command is now:



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Rising Star
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December 16, 2012

Hi Mark,

SourceTree is able to do this, I've just had a bash myself doing this using UltraCompare. As is standard, UltraCompare is installed to /Applications/ so what you want to do is to go into SourceTree's preferences and go to the "diff" tab. In here, change the "Visual Diff Tool" drop-down to "Other" then set the "Diff Command" to be /Applications/ and then set the arguments to be $LOCAL $REMOTE (as shown in the screenshot). Then when you do a diff, UltraCompare will open instead. Below is a screenshot of my setup which I tested:

If you need any further help, just ask :)

(note: the diff options for UltraCompare are here:

Rising Star
Rising Star
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December 16, 2012

You're welcome, thanks very much!

Mark McCurry
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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December 16, 2012


Thank you! There it is. I tried UltraCompare,, and /Applications/ It never struck me to drill into the app package for the executable. Excellent sleuthing! I guess, SourceTree being a Mac app, I expected it to do some of that digging for us. ;o) If the author would come out with a Linux port, I'd bake him a cake! SourceTree seriously rocks. Now to chase down the UC command line for merge and conflict resolution using the link you provided. Thanks again!!


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