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How to block users (or groups of users) from approving pull requests.

markgillespien June 17, 2022

We have some junior engineers that we wish to be able to review and inline comment on code reviews, however we don't want them approving pull requests.

Is this possible in Bitbucket?  Either out the box, or with a plugin?



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Ulrich Kuhnhardt _IzymesCo_
Marketplace Partner
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June 20, 2022

Hi @markgillespien 

Bitbucket repository and/or project settings let you define default reviewers

You can also configure a merge-check for pull requests that require a certain number of approvals from (default) reviewers.

That all works out of the box.

If you need more granular control over

* file/path reviewers and groups (reviewers and groups are added depending on which files have changed)

* merge-check group quota per individual groups

* enforced merge checks for users without complicated branch permissions

.... check out Workzone for Bitbucket - and let us know how you go.

Best, Ulrich

// Izymes.

markgillespien June 20, 2022

The out of the box controls definitely don't offer this, and reading the description of workzone, this doesn't either.   We don't want to define who is a default reviewer, or even to try and have bitbucket suggest reviewers.

We are trying to block  a specific group of users from approving pull requests, whilst still permitting them to comment.

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