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Sort/move cards using the name of the month in the due date?

Lisa Harper May 16, 2022

Is there a way to use automation to move cards between lists, based on the name/number of the month in their due date? I haven't figured out which variable to use for the Due Date Month Name.

We have a board with lists for each month of the year. Cards belong to the list based on their due date - January list has due dates in January, February has due dates in February, and so on. 

We often use the calendar view to move cards around for planning using drag and drop. However, the cards will remain in their original list. We've had cards get "lost" on board view if their due dates don't match the list month name.

Appreciate any assistance!

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Hannah Humbert - Simpla Workflows
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May 16, 2022

Hi Lisa! The variable is {cardduedatemonthname}

All the date variables are listed here: You just need to prefix them with "cardduedate". 


Lisa Harper May 16, 2022

Awesome and thank you!

0 votes
Lisa Harper May 16, 2022

Fantastic. Thank you!

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