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Card snooze Power up does not work

A Manu May 10, 2022

Just set up a new account with my Gmail account, created a board, and added a card. I added the snooze power-up and tried to snooze the card but the card does not archive and there is no notification of anything going wrong. The power-up has read/write access to all my boards so unsure why it is not working

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Brittany Joiner
Community Leader
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May 10, 2022

@A Manu welcome to the community! maybe try removing the power-up and then re-adding it to the board? I just gave it a try on my board and it seems to be working, so i don't think it's down. When you click snooze on a card, does it pop up with the options of how long to snooze it? Or does it not even get to that step?

A Manu May 16, 2022

Hi Brittany! Thanks for the reply, It seemed to randomly fix itself this morning! 

Brittany Joiner
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
May 16, 2022

@A Manu glad it's working!

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