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Access Board members to customized automation buttons

Sabrina Haugk April 28, 2022

Hi, I've created customized buttons for a board. Unfortunately no other member of the board (besides me) can see those buttons. Everybody within the board is "admin" and the board is not in private mode. Are there other ideas how I can get access to the buttons for the other board members?

Thanks in advance!

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Hannah Humbert - Simpla Workflows
Community Leader
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May 1, 2022

Hi @Sabrina Haugk ! Welcome to the community :) You can check the box "share with workspace" if you want others to see these buttons on the board and utilize them:

board button share.PNG

It's not possible however to give others the ability to administer/edit buttons you've created. 

Sabrina Haugk May 4, 2022

Awesome, that worked! Thank you very much @Hannah Humbert - Simpla Workflows 

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