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Boards empty/not working in macOS app

hepcat72 April 6, 2022

I haven't used Trello in awhile (not much since the pandemic started), but now that I have some analysis work to track, all my boards are empty.  I can't even create cards.  I've noticed it's been this way for a few weeks and I just assumed that Trello was having issues and hoped it would just eventually start working, but my colleagues say the boards still have cards on the website.  I tried to figure out if I needed to update the app or something, but I can't tell if I'm behind a version and I see no "check for updates" interface or even any confirmation that I'm "on the current version". Googling suggests I clear the cache, but I can't find that as an option in the app.  How do I get my boards to work?

Screen Shot 2022-04-06 at 10.34.52 AM.png

And I can see that the cards exist:

Screen Shot 2022-04-06 at 10.35.18 AM.png

How can I get the boards to work?

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Andrea Crawford
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
April 6, 2022

Hi there, 

Are you on the latest version of the Trello app (version 2.13.1). You can find which version you're using by clicking the gear button in the top right to open the Preferences menu, then click "About". If you are already on the latest version, you can clear the cache by clicking Help -> Reset local data. If you are not already on the latest version, I'd suggest uninstalling it and downloading and installing the latest from the App store. 

Please let me know if you're still having trouble after trying these suggestions. 

hepcat72 April 8, 2022

Apparently I'm on 2.10.14. I knew my version, but I had no way to tell whether I was behind or not...

The uninstall is confounding.  When I go to:


I see no folder named:


But when I search for it, I see 2 folders that claim to be on these paths:


/Users/rleach/Library/Containers/Trello/Data/Library/Application Support/com.atlassian.trello

And if I copy the path of the second one, I get:

/Users/rleach/Library/Containers/com.atlassian.trello/Data/Library/Application Support/com.atlassian.trello

I though I was going nuts, so I looked again at the Containers directory in the Finder, and it definitely is not there.  I quadruple-checked.

So I went back to the Finder search results and deleted it from there. I then launched Trello again, logged in, and... I still have empty non-functional boards...

The icon in the top left constantly moves, so I'm guessing it's some sort of load hang.

I checked the About and I'm still on 2.10.14...

I quit and re-deleted the Container folder(s), then went to the app store and there's no option to install or update - just "open":


Andrea Crawford
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
April 8, 2022

Can you try deleting the Trello application and then go to the App store and see if you can install it? Finder -> Applications -> Trello and then do File -> Move to trash. 

hepcat72 April 8, 2022

OK. That worked.

Andrea Crawford
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
April 8, 2022

Are you able to see all the content on your board now, @hepcat72  ?

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