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DNS redirection for support portal

Lance Bunnell March 28, 2022

We currently are using cloudflare for external DNS.  When I attempt to create a cname redirection for the support portal, we are getting an error:  DNS Validation Error (Code: 1004) Content for CNAME record is invalid. 

We do NOT wish to do authentication or user management using Atlassian.   We've already added the TXT record as described in the documentation, however, it still shows unverified and fails upon verification.


Is there something I'm missing?

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Haddon Fisher
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March 29, 2022

Hi Lance,

Can you confirm what you're trying to accomplish? Are you:

1) Attempting to add a CNAME so that you can use "" for your JIRA Service Management customer portal?

2) Attempting to verify a domain so that you can manage accounts from this domain as documented here?

The first piece of your post makes it sound like you want to do #1, but you say you "added the TXT record as described in the documentation" which I am guessing is the documentation I linked in #2.

If you are trying to do #1, I have some bad news for you...

Lance Bunnell August 25, 2022

We were able to achieve our end goal in a very roundabout way,  but it ended up with the desired result,  we setup an iis server and used http redirect.    While not perfect,  it did work. 

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