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Create issue in epic while it's an initiative (parent)

Dave Kleihorst March 24, 2022

Initiatives is set as a parent hierarchy in the Jira Cloud I'm configuring. When you are viewing an Epic, you can press "+" and create an issue within the epic. While Initiative is Above the Epic within the "Advanced Roadmaps hierarchy levels setting (under applications), I don't expect Initiatives as an option to create. Is there an option to disable initiatives in this create-in-epic-dropdown?

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Curt Holley
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March 27, 2022

That is not what he means @Belto 

What @Dave Kleihorst is saying is; it is surprising that an Initiative (which is above an Epic, in the hierarchy) is an option for selection when you go to create an issue to be a child of an Epic.

I have experienced this and it creates a very odd scenario where the Initiative is a child of the Epic and if linked via the Parent link field as well, it is also a Parent of the same epic.

It becomes it own grandfather (like an episode of Futurama)


Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 28, 2022

Ahh, I see what you mean. You're referring to Create issue in epic outside of the Plan directly on the Epic issue in Jira.

The answer unfortunately is still no, it isn't possible to disable this. The reason being is that the "hierarchy levels" is a feature and structure that is only respected in the realms of Advanced Roadmap.

Outside of your Plans, Jira does not abide by these laws because it relies on its own hierarchy system that's hardcoded with the Issue type scheme (Epic > Task > Subtask).

Jira only recognizes the hierarchy levels for specific functions like the Parent Link field.

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Dave Kleihorst March 28, 2022

Haha, indeed Curt, that's what I mean.

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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 24, 2022

Hi Dave,

If I understand correctly you want to disable to create + Create issue option for the Initiative level?


This isn't possible as this is tied to the Create Issues permission. A possible workaround would be to isolate the Initiative Issue type to its own Workflow Scheme and add a validator to only allow certain people to be able to create Initiatives.



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