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Show can I copy the custom field value into other cards with checklist links

Philippe Gallant March 18, 2022

Screen Shot 2022-03-18 at 3.45.33 PM.png

I tried to use this command when I created a button:  for each card linked from an item in checklist "Process Work", set custom field "CBT" to "{{%CBT}}". it is not working.   Need your assistance on this.  Thank you!


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Hannah Humbert - Simpla Workflows
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March 18, 2022

Hi @Philippe Gallant ! Welcome to the community :) you'll need to use the {customfieldvalue} variable in your rule. Just be careful of looping - I'd suggest diffirenciating the "trigger" card vs the "action" cards by adding a condition to your trigger. E.g. 

when custom field "CBT" is set in a card in list "Trigger", for each card linked from an item in checklist "Process Work", set custom field "CBT" to "{customfieldvalue}"

Philippe Gallant March 18, 2022

Thank you for your quick reply. 

OK, will this copy 018 at CBT text value into each card under checklist links?

Hannah Humbert - Simpla Workflows
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March 18, 2022

Yes, should do! Is it not working for you?

Philippe Gallant March 18, 2022

I tried this rule: when custom field "CBT" is set in a card in list "In Process", set custom field "CBT" to "{customfieldvalue}"


In the card where the checklist is and I entered 018 and the checklist where the cards are didn't add 018 on each card.  

Philippe Gallant March 18, 2022

@Hannah Humbert - Simpla Workflows I tried to use the card button with this command: for each card linked from an item in checklist "Process Work", set custom field "CBT" to "{customfieldvalue}" 

This didn't work as well.  

I will be away for the evening and I will try again tomorrow or next week.  Thank you for your help.  

Hannah Humbert - Simpla Workflows
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March 20, 2022

@Philippe Gallant In the example I gave above, the trigger is based off a custom field value change. I believe the ability to copy a custom field value only works if the CF value was involved in the trigger, AFAIK, it won't work if the trigger is a button.

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