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How to separate due date and deadline

Milan Krainovic February 22, 2022

Hello guys, 
thanks for any idea to the following problem.
Is there a option/ mod/ idea/ Power Up etc. to difference (but both shown) between due date and deadline on a trello card itself and to be represented in a calendar for example Planyway. We need a all over Boards solution.
For example: A letter needs to be send on 5.08.2022 to the customer, i want to do that work on 3.08.2022 (planing takes place on lets say 28.07.2022).
So every time i open the calender i see the planed time and also the deadline itself.
Also it needs to be able to filter.

Any Ideas




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Alex _ Trello
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
February 27, 2022

Hi @Milan Krainovic - you could create a date Custom Field for deadline, but this won't show up on the Calendar View at this time. 

Milan Krainovic March 20, 2022

Hi @Alex _ Trello thanks for the idea, but for me it makes no scense, i def need both, deadline and due date. 
I will go on searching, as soon as i find solution i will write it down.


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