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Board button to add item to checklist

Aneekah Fataar February 25, 2022

On my project board, I have a checklist of all  projects :  "Season FY23 projects" on a list  "FY23 Projects (Pre and Post Season)"

Expected workflow is that when items are added to checklist "Season FY23 projects",  a card is created on a "Not Started" list and card is linked to this checklist.  This flow works fine.

However sometimes team members create cards on the "Not Started" List, or on the "In Progress" List directly.

I would like to create a button on the board that will check all cards in these 2 lists and if card is not linked to checklist "Season FY23 projects", then a checklist item is created with link to the card.

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Hannah Humbert - Simpla Workflows
Community Leader
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March 1, 2022

Hi @Aneekah Fataar ! Potentially a rule would resolve this for you? 

when a card is added to the board by anyone except @autobot, find a card titled "Project Card", add item "{triggercardlink}" to checklist "Season FY23 projects", and link the cards together

When a card is added the automated way through a checklist that generates a linked card, this action is performed by Butler, but the card creator will be the person who created the Butler rule (in the above example "@autobot" is the user who created the rule.) So the idea with the suggested rule is to say basically, when anyone except "Butler" adds a card to the board, then trigger the action.

The idea is basically to separate the cards being created manually and only include those cards in the rule. Potentially there's some other differentiator - e.g. all cards generated automatically have a specific pre-fix or have a specific label like a grey "Season FY23" label, so you could say, whenever a card is added to the board without that specific label, then trigger that action.

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Michael Pryor
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
February 25, 2022
Aneekah Fataar March 1, 2022

very technical ... i'm not a developer. 

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