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Premium Account – Guest Users

Delicious Design
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January 10, 2022

Hi, i'm just testing the Premium Account because i want to use the Timeline Feature. But now i don't understand your Usercontrol in the Premium-Tarif. 

In the Free-Account i can invite as many (free) Guests as i want (to Boards, to Workspaces). But now in the Premium Account i can only invite Free-Users to ONE Board in the Premium Workspace … WHY???

I don't want to show the Board (which i use for the timeline view) on public!!! An i really don't want to pay $ 10,- for each member on the Board only to VIEW the Timeline! 

Now it seems like i have more restrictions with my Premium-Account like before, using the Free-Account. I can understand that you don't want that free users can use the Premium Features. But what i can not understand ist why i can't share my paid Features with Free Users in View Mode?

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Laura Holton _ACE Rotterdam_
Community Leader
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January 10, 2022

Hi @Delicious Design 👋

Welcome to the Community! When it comes to permissions on a board, there are different types of Trello users:

  • Invited Members - An invited user is someone who has been invited to a board but hasn't yet confirmed their account. Their user icon will appear to be grayed out in the Members area of the board.
  • Board Members - A 'Normal' member is simply a member of a board. Normal members can edit or add to the board without restrictions.
  • Observers - An observer is a member with read-only access to a board. (Observers are only available to Workspaces with Trello Premium).
  • Workspace Members - A Workspace member is someone who has been added as a member of that Workspace. They will be able to see boards that are Workspace visible. Workspace members appear in the Members tab for that Workspace.
  • Guest - A normal member on the board. Guests are not members of the Workspace that the boards belong to.
  • Board Admin - A board admin is a member of the board who can do anything on the board. Board admins are marked by the blue and white chevron in the bottom right corner of their avatar.

The reason why Guests act differently and are limited to one board before being charged is because Trello views it as a different functionality, there are some situations in which teams may prefer not to add a user to their Workspace.

For example, some teams collaborate on a one-off basis with outside contractors, interns, or clients. These one-off collaborators may not need all of the functionality or administrative control that comes with Workspace membership. In these situations, teams can add users to their Workspace boards as guests.

You may also mind it useful to read Trello's article on Enterprise Admin Dashboard.

I hope this helps but if you have any other questions just ask away 😃

All the best,


Laura Holton _ACE Rotterdam_
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
January 10, 2022

Just as a side note, I understand the concern of making boards public and there is a Trello Power Up which allows you to securely share specific cards, lists and attachments with externals clients, customers, and stakeholders. It's called External Share if you'd like to take a look.

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