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Delete source branch after merging by DEFAULT

Daniel Juravski April 16, 2020


Any way/add-on/workaround to tick the 'Delete source branch after merging' by default on every merge window?



3 answers

2 votes
JA December 1, 2021

For Bitbucket Server you can set this up on a project-level under Settings > Branches (under the Workflow section), scroll to the bottom and change the default 'Branch deletion on merge' setting on and press save



Andrey Sitnikov
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May 5, 2022

Does anybody now if that option is available or will be implemented for Bitbucket Cloud? Couldn't find it there with my not premium account.

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January 31, 2023

Our development team was concerned about this in Bitbucket Cloud, so I developed a Chrome extension that automatically checks the checkbox for deleting the branch when merging.

It is Open-Source, and you can download it from the Chrome Web Store.

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Evans Tucker
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July 12, 2023

LOL, this is the saddest, most developer-y thing I've read in a while.


Come on Atlassian! Get it together. People are already writing their own software to fix this annoying problem!

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October 27, 2023


Chris Fouts April 29, 2024

@hectormartos I just now downloaded your Chrome extension in Brave, which is Chrome-based, and restarted my browser. When I initially open a PR, the box is not checked, but if I reload the page, it get's checked.

1 vote
Louis Létourneau
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November 13, 2023

As others mentioned, only JS extensions exist for now. A feature request for Bitbucket cloud does exist. You can vote on it.

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Anton Genkin
Atlassian Team
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April 23, 2020

@Daniel Juravski there is no global setting that changes the default state of this checkbox. The state of the checkbox is saved per user/repository. For example, if you choose to delete branch after merge in repository ABC, on next merge the checkbox will be checked.

If you still need to have this checkbox checked by default, here are a few options:

  1. Try JS script - 
  2. Use a script for ScriptRunner for Bitbucket - Link
  3. Automate deletion of merged branches using CI


If you could tell us more about your use-case that would be great - BSERV-9254

Don Rolling
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August 19, 2021

I would appreciate having it checked by default because I often forget to check it. Our teams tend to forget it as well and this has lead to use having a lot of dead branches that we have to clean up. They're not that hard to clean up, but they really pile up. This would be much easier if the box was checked by default. Thank you!

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September 14, 2022

This is misleading. The "default" only is a default as long as the user never has merged in that repository.

I would expect a default to be the default on each subsequent merge. The state should not be remembered.

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