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team cant see each others cards

DreamHomes Almeria
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October 7, 2021

we are a two man team and not always in the office at the same time. My boss can add new cards onto my lists but she cant see what else is in my list that was there before, just tells her how many cards ive go in each list. I have checked both accounts and the are both showing workspace visible. What else can i do to fix this 

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Hannah Humbert - Simpla Workflows
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October 7, 2021

It sounds like your boss has a filter on the board. Does she see this in the top right of the board?filter board.PNG

If so, simply selecting the "x" will remove the filter.

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Brittany Joiner
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October 7, 2021

@DreamHomes Almeria are you sure those changes are syncing from your devices? Ie, can you see your changes on another device if you log in? I'm not sure its possible to only show certain cards to certain people intentionally, so my only thought of what could be happening here is that the changes arent syncing online and therefore you're each only seeing the changes you created on that device.

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Jose Luis Gaitan
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October 7, 2021

Maybe they don'r have the "Browse project" permission...

Ask your Administrator if you are using an issue security scheme with some restictions for users 

Hannah Humbert - Simpla Workflows
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October 7, 2021

I think this question relates to Trello, not Jira

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