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How do I prevent members except Admin to invite new users?

Michele Blackburn July 30, 2021

I would like to prevent Normal members from inviting other workspace members to a board. Only Admin should be able to do this. Please advise.

2 answers

2 votes
Hannah Humbert - Simpla Workflows
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July 31, 2021

Have a look at the board settings Screenshot_20210801-003213_Chrome.jpg

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Suvradip Paul
Rising Star
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July 31, 2021

Hi @Michele Blackburn ,

Thanks for posting and welcome to the community.

I think you should check this help guide - to make someone as admin and inviting permissions to allow admin only to add users.

Please accept the answer if it solves your query else respond and allow others to respond.

Stay safe and healthy.



Michele Blackburn July 31, 2021

Thank you for this but it doesnt solve my problem. I only want Admin to be able to invite people to the board.  I have separate boards for each department therefore if someone is a member on one board they can just be invited by another member from a different board. This is a risk as I only want them to view the boards they are a member on.

Michele Blackburn July 31, 2021

My problem is that a Normal member can invite anyone to the board. I want a rule that only admins can do that

Suvradip Paul
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
July 31, 2021

Hi @Michele Blackburn ,

I am not sure which plan you are using but Trello Business Class provides the features of Observers who can observe like view the cards, download attachments, export, vote(if enabled) but not move the cards. So, if you see my above link shared and restrict the invitation permissions to admin and have observers instead of members (guidance provided in the same link).

Please check and let me know if it solves your query.



Michele Blackburn July 31, 2021

I am on Business class and making members observers wont work

Suvradip Paul
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
July 31, 2021

Hi @Michele Blackburn ,

Could you please explain why is it not working? I mentioned to add observers not members because they are not supposed to make any card movement and give admins permission to add members.



Michele Blackburn August 4, 2021

Observers cant update the cards on the board - i need them to make changes move cards but not invite other members in the workspace who are not part of that board

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