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Receive a webhook using trellinator

Carlos Pozos Ochoa June 6, 2021

I have been trying to Receive a shopify webhook to my trellinator google app script. In my research I have found out that my code should run on doPost function and then send a 200 OK response.

I have performed some tests and my code is running fine, but the webhook keeps triggering as if it did not received the 200 OK response.

I know that trellinator uses doPost function to execute some code, and I do not know how to receive my webhook on top of trellinator platform. 

Below you can find the doPost function I am taltking about

function doPost(e)
var hooks = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("Custom Webhooks");
var htmlOut = false;

//Here is were I execute my function

//My function ends
new IterableCollection(hooks.getDataRange().getValues()).each(function(row)
if(this[row[0].trim()] &&(htmlOut === false))
htmlOut = this[row[0].trim()](e);

if(htmlOut === false)
var notifText = e.postData.contents;
var htmlOut = doPosting(notifText);

var htmlOut = HtmlService.createHtmlOutput("<p>Processed Notification</p>");

var htmlOut = HtmlService.createHtmlOutput("<p>Processed Notification</p>");
return htmlOut;


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Dan Ivory
Marketplace Partner
Marketplace Partners provide apps and integrations available on the Atlassian Marketplace that extend the power of Atlassian products.
June 7, 2021

@Iain Dooley Maybe one for you? 

Iain Dooley
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June 7, 2021
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