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Creating a new card on a different board, where the title is the custom field entry!

andrea scott May 24, 2021

I have an on-boarding board, that is used for registrations for new clients. I'm an accountant. I, therefore, have different boards for clients who have limited companies, clients who have payroll requirements, clients who have VAT registrations.

When I take on a new client for the registration side of the title is just their name. They're on occasion have many different companies.

I am looking to create new cards for the applicable boards when the custom field has been populated.

Can this be done please?


EG, the card in the registrations but would have my name Andrea Scott onboarding.


I would have a custom field: LTD Name 1 = A E Scott & Co

I would have a custom field: LTD Name 2 =  Office Services LTD


If the LTD name 1, is populated, in new card will need to be created with the name "A E Scott & Co" on a different board


Thanks in advance.



3 answers

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andrea scott May 26, 2021

It didn't work for me, it created two cards on the other board and neither had the correct name on the card.


are here any other ways to do it, I thunk it may be too complicated for me. or are there any videos on this type of thing that you are aware of?





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Iain Dooley
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May 25, 2021

@andrea scott something like this should do the trick:

2021-05-26 at 10.54 am.png

You can't "create" cards but you can copy the trigger card, then use a "lookup" which gives you access to variables from a card without changing the subject of subsequent actions.

andrea scott May 26, 2021

Thanks for the info, I have never used trigger cards nor lookup, would this be done within butler or do I need something like Zapier or Integromat to achieve this?

Iain Dooley
Community Leader
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May 26, 2021

@andrea scott I posted a screenshot that shows you the command 

andrea scott May 26, 2021

I can't do the link part as I cannot see the option on the screenshot enclosed.

Screenshot 2021-05-26 at 11.51.19.png

Iain Dooley
Community Leader
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May 26, 2021

@andrea scott the lookup option is in the "cascade" tab

andrea scott May 26, 2021

which area is the rename the card to pleaseScreenshot 2021-05-26 at 12.56.55.png

Iain Dooley
Community Leader
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May 26, 2021

@andrea scott in the "content" tab (there are only 9 tabs ;)

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Antonio Panea
Rising Star
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May 24, 2021

Hi @andrea scott ,


did you take a look on Butler? You can create a rule that triggers with one of your conditions and the creates a new card wherever you want.


Moreover if you are dealing with contact managing I invite you to take a look in Crmble Power-Up , since it is a CRM for Trello and maybe could match your requeriments.


Good Luck!



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