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Add members to board - extra costs?

Lukas February 4, 2021

Hello dear Atlassian Support Community,

first I will describe the situation at hand.
We copy a certain Trello board via Zapier. We make this copy because there is important data on the Trello board and if something is accidentally deleted, we can fall back on the copy from a week in advance.

So far everything is so good. The copy is made every week and listed in a separate group. What is more, however, is that only the admin can access this board. More members have to be added manually and here is my question.

Would it cost extra to add members manually from week to week?
So far we have listed 5 copies and, as I said, we would add members here so that you also have access. However, if it cost extra, we would ditch this option.

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Soumyadeep Mandal - SaM
Rising Star
Rising Star
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February 4, 2021

Hi @Lukas , welcome!

First of all, if you are using a free plan for Trello then you don't have to pay but if you are in business class and you add a member you have to pay for the user.

You can know more by visiting this article/documentation

Lukas February 4, 2021

@Soumyadeep Mandal - SaM 

Hello thank you for your quick reply.
I have now seen that we have Trello Gold.
That as information about our selected subscription. Is that comparable to Trello Business Class?

And if I understand you correctly, you generally pay for a certain number of members (for example a subscription for 10 members), but it doesn't matter how often I assign member A to a board, for example.
Member A (which is included, for example, with my subscription for 10 members) could I assign to as many boards as I want and the price would stay the same, right?

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Soumyadeep Mandal - SaM
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
February 4, 2021

Hi @Lukas ,

Yes, Once you paid for Member A, you can add the member any no. of time to a board within the team till the subscription period is over.

Basically, you pay for the user who has been invited/added to a team because the business class plan applies to the team not on the personal account.

If you are getting a Business class plan you have to pay for the no. of users in a team that you want to upgrade.

You can also get confirmation from Trello Team by asking Trello support

Lukas February 4, 2021

@Soumyadeep Mandal - SaM  I guess that means yes or not?


Please write me a short message about this. Thank you.

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Soumyadeep Mandal - SaM
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
February 4, 2021

Hi @Lukas ,

Let's say you have Team A that has 10 members and you want to upgrade the team to a business class plan. Now you have to pay for 10 members only because you have 10 members on the team that you want to upgrade.

Now You can add those members to any number of boards that you create within the same team throughout the subscription period.

You can also ask Trello support for your convenience.

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