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Can due dates for Advanced Checklists be dynamic rather than fixed?

Michael Denholm
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January 21, 2021

Is it possible to set due dates for lists that are dynamic so that they change in reference to another date? For example, if a card's due date is a fixed date and I use an Advanced Checklist with individual due dates, can those individual checklist steps have dynamic dates that are in reference to the main Card due date? For example, if I create checklist steps that are due 3 days, 7 days and 14 days prior to the overall due date, and then the overall due date is changed, will the due dates of those steps then auto-adjust accordingly?

I would like to setup Cards as templates for repetitive tasks that will have the same or similar steps required and I would like the steps to have auto due dates based on the new overall Card due date.

(I currently only have a free account so can't show screen shots for this, but will upgrade to a Business Class account for list due dates if this can do what I am wanting it to do.)

Thank you.

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Rising Star
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January 22, 2021

@Michael Denholm 

Unfortunately not with Butler existing triggers and actions. However, Butler do have an action called Http Request and with some effort you can do many things with it. Coincidentally, I did built one similar to what you wanted. See video and you can reach out to me (see profile) should you want more details

To build one specific to your requirement should not be difficult.

Michael Denholm
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January 24, 2021

Thanks @milynnus - I appreciate you taking the time to answer. As I am very new to Trello, I think this is a little too complicated for me at this stage. If we do decide to use Trello, we will simply manually adjust our dates as needed.

Rising Star
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January 24, 2021

@Michael Denholm 

Agree. Where possible use Butler “as is”. Only when it is business critical you look into using other techniques. 

Alex Feinberg
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October 13, 2023

Hello @milynnus I have a similar requirement, but your video like says it is private.

This is my specific use case... My card template has a checklist with a few tasks. When the card's due date is set or changed, some of the checklist items due dates need to be set to a specified number of days before the card due date. For example, if a card for creating a document is due on Oct. 31, then a peer review  must be completed 5 days earlier on Oct. 26 and a manager review must be completed 3 days earlier on Oct. 28. If the card's due date changes to Nov. 3, then the peer review due date would change to Oct. 29 and the manager review due date would change to Oct. 31. Simple concept, but I'd very much like to automate it.

Rising Star
Rising Star
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October 13, 2023

@Alex Feinberg 

It was made private as there were too many to maintain and there was  little interest. It was difficult to make it generic. If you are interest, let’s set up a call. My contact can be found on my profile page. 

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