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Only a few cards are moved from one list to another

Frances Brower October 11, 2020

Hi, I've created this rule: when a card with a custom field is set to a value is added to List A, move the card to another list (within the same board) that matches the name of the custom field value.  After creating a Board Button to move several cards from other lists into List A, it seems that only a few of the cards actually get moved from List A into their respective lists that match their custom field value.  Several of the cards remain in List A even though they all have their custom fields already set. 

Is there some sort of limit on the number of cards that can be moved in this fashion?

Thanks in advance for all of your help!

2 answers

1 vote
Iain Dooley
Community Leader
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October 12, 2020

@Frances Brower Okay so you have a board button that moves several cards at once into List A then a rule that triggers when cards with a custom field value set are moved to List A, and moves them to another list matching the value in that custom field.

2 Questions:

1) If you move all the cards individually to List A, the same ones that would be moved by the Board button, do they all successfully move to their respective lists based on custom field value?

2) Can you see anything in the command logs to indicate an error?

Frances Brower October 12, 2020

1) Yes, if I manually add the cards to List A, they will sort appropriately to List 4, List 5, and List 6.  The same holds true when I create a card directly in List A. 

2) No error messages in the command logs. For the cards that did get transferred over to the correct lists, the command logs show that everything ran smoothly, but there are no entries for additional cards that should have been moved into the lists. 

Thanks for your help in advance!

0 votes
Stephen Addis
Rising Star
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October 12, 2020

Guess its the boards way of saying you need to work faster and do more.

Umm ... without knowing what you have set the rules in, like Butler, Zapier or some other service its bit impossible to advise.

Frances Brower October 12, 2020

Hi, I basically have nothing but these two rules set up. I don't have any Zapier integrations. The only other Butler rules I have are to sort cards based on a due date. For example, I create a card in List B and depending on the due date set, the card gets moved to particular lists (List 1, List 2, List 3).  Then my Board Button is set up to move all the cards from List 1, List 2, and List 3 into List A.  The cards in List 1, List 2, and List 3 already have custom fields set.  I then have a rule that asks for the cards in List A to be sorted into List 4, List, 5, and List 6 based on the name selected for the custom field (as mentioned in my initial question).  It seems that the sorting ends after five cards are sorted into their respective lists. After five cards have been moved out of List A, I am left with the remaining cards still sitting in List A. 

Frances Brower October 12, 2020

Also, even if I disable the initial sort rule and just place cards in List 1, List 2, and List 3 manually and then click the Board Button, it seems that only 5 of the cards get re-sorted into List 4, List 5, and List 6 out of List A. 

Stephen Addis
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
October 13, 2020

Ah ... butler ... @Iain Dooley he's your man.

I tend to do a lot old school, keeps control, and keeps awareness in my mind of true situation as my curiosity ping's.  I'm still running the operating system I was born with, and not even had the 80's upgrade.

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