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Syncing CRMBLE Fields Across Boards

Operations Team October 6, 2020

I utilize 3 Boards to track my leads, appointments and clients.  A CRMBLE card is automatically created from a Google Sheet and comes into Board # 1 as a lead, if we book a sales call that card gets moved to Board # 2 (Selling), and if we book a project with that card it gets moved to Board #3 (Clients).  *I have many steps/lists under each board so it's not really feasible to house ALL the list under one board.

I was really excited to see the custom options added for CRMBLE and started feeding all my lead data into CRMBLE starting in Board #1 as mentioned above. The issue I am having is that once I drag the card from Board #1 into Board #2, none of that CRMBLE data pulls across boards. Is there a reason for this? Is there a work around? I have CRMBLE enable on all 3 boards

I've tried several of the card mirroring features, thinking maybe I could house all the lead cards that convert to a sales/client cards under a list in Board #1 and just mirror them into Board #2 or Board #3 so I can retain the CRMBLE data and fields while also keeping my current workflow in place.  But even with the mirroring/sync options I have tried the CRMBLE data/fields do not show up on the other boards.


Any suggestions or work arounds I'm missing to help me access CRMBLE leads across boards?


2 answers

2 votes
Iain Dooley
Community Leader
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October 6, 2020

@Operations Team I would firstly suggest that you email Crmble support about this, but a useful workaround would be to create a Butler automation that, instead of moving the card, copies the card from one board to the other and links them together, archiving the original. That's typically what I do when I have cards with lots of custom fields on different boards moving from one to another because of the way custom fields copy between boards, things can become cluttered.

Operations Team October 7, 2020

Thanks Iain! Great suggestion that I will try out.

1 vote
Antonio Panea
Rising Star
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October 7, 2020

Hi @Operations Team ,


thanks for your support and for using Crmble! As @Iain Dooley said that would be a better solution since that feature ( Crmble multiboard) still being under development and will be released soon. 

You can contact here if you need any help or just leaving your feedback!




Operations Team October 7, 2020

Thanks Toni! Encouraging to know it's coming... any idea on timeline for release of that feature or possibly visibility on IOS/Android?

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