Disable autowatch in Confluence globally

JWCho March 28, 2018

I'm using Confluence server 6.4.

Is there any way to disable Autowatch in Confluence globally?

Or at least limit to certain space?


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Community Leader
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March 28, 2018

Hi @JWCho

In your profile:

Screenshot at Mar 28 22-34-13.png



JWCho March 29, 2018


Thank you for your reply.

I meant, when I create a new user,

can that option be disable by default?

Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
April 2, 2018


ok!, for that you have this workaround of Atlassian:


The config lives in an XML file: <confluence install>/confluence/WEB-INF/lib/confluence-x.x.x.jar/preferences-default.xml.

You need to change the boolean value to false, thus:

   <preference type="Boolean">

Then place it as <confluence install>/confluence/WEB-INF/classes/preferences-default.xml and restart Confluence.

More info here


JWCho April 4, 2018

Nice information.

Will try this if our company decides to disable autowatch.


1 vote
Pierre Herman October 2, 2020

I am using Confluence cloud.

The main reason why we use a tool like Confluence is to AVOID constant email exchanges and yet Conlfluence by default sets the Autowatch "on"...  and apparently it is not possible to GLOBALLY disable it... None... Nada... Zero! We DO NOT WANT EMAILS BY DEFAULT!

Why? But why would you think that I am interested to receive an email every time I edit a page...?

It is by far the most annoying feature... Silly and useless... A massive waste of time to (on top of that) manage the email filter to trash the garbage emails received.

Shannon S
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 18, 2021

Hi Pierre,

I saw your reply now on this question. The initial problem is related to Confluence Server, but since you're on Cloud and I see this topic come up a lot, I wanted to share the feature requests in case we didn't get your vote on it:

If you still have any questions about this or want to bring up a discussion about it, raise a new thread. That ensures the conversation will be more relevant, and more Cloud users will see it.

Thank you again!


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