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Advanced Roadmap auto-schedule sets all tasks to 14 days (sprint)

Dave Dwyer September 16, 2020

I am new to Advanced Roadmap and attempting to use the auto-schedule feature.  I am having multiple issues with the auto-schedule feature and seeking help.  

I have a roadmap where I have created Initiative, Epic, Story.  I have defined the tasks to be completed in the same PI (12 weeks).  I have inserted story points (60 points for a two week sprint).  I have created dependencies where needed.  I have assigned assignee's for tasks.   There is only 1 team for this roadmap.  All assignee's are from the single team.

When I use the auto-schedule, all tasks are 14 days long (a sprint) regardless the number of story points.  And the auto-schedule will show multiple tasks being performed by a single assignee on the first sprint day.  I would expected the auto-schedule to realize that a single person can not perform multiple tasks on the same day start day and to stagger the tasks based on priority or some other logic.  Presently all the tasks are marked as "None". 

Any help is much appreciated.  Thank you.    

Advanced roadmap.jpg


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Dave Dwyer September 18, 2020

I have attempted to use hours/days instead of story points.  When I insert 1 day for each task, the auto schedule features still assigns a full 14 days to the task.  I see the same results when I use hours and input 8 hours for the task.  Auto schedule assumes 14 days.  And I also attempted to use a new team member with zero work so there would be no issues with other tasks.  

It appears that auto schedule feature is not functional.  I had hoped the feature would be able to take limited inputs and be able to estimate which sprint the task should be performed.  If I were to estimate hours and assign tasks, I was hoping the auto schedule function would find the sprint solutions to maximize sprints and prevent assignee conflicts.  

Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
September 19, 2020

Hi @Dave Dwyer ,

The "Auto-Schedule" feature will only set start and end dates to match the start and end date of the sprint the issue it has been assigned to (it will never attempt to set dates within a sprint) - although it is possible to manually set more specific dates.

It does also assume that only one person can work on any story level issue at a time so the sprint velocity you've set will be evenly distributed across the number of people you've assigned to a team (i.e. if you have a velocity of 30 and 3 people in your team then it is assumed that each person will be able to complete 10 points per sprint).

It doesn't take into account current assignees of work in the plan.

I hope that clarifies the behaviour a little more - please let me know if you need any further explanation or have any more questions about what is happening.



Dave Dwyer September 29, 2020

Hi Dave, 

Your response was very helpful in understanding the behavior.  I had different expectations for the auto schedule feature.  Thank you for responding.  


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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
September 29, 2020

No worries - happy to have helped!

I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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June 21, 2022

This is a brutal disappointment.  It took a few days to realize that the tools is borderline unusable. 


We love everything else about advanced roadmap, but not being able to plan dependencies within a sprint is brutal.


it's also not obvious what it's using to calculate resourcing.  

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