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How to I automate certain events to happen on cards with specific labels on the first of the month

Megan September 11, 2020

Hi there, 

My business has recently developed a sort of subscription service where people can pay monthly fees to get a selection of benefits along with either 1 or 2 visits per month depending on the package they selected. 

What I'm looking for on Trello is a way to have cards with the yellow label (signifying that they're a member of the program) to increase a custom field by 1 (or 2, depending on the label) every month on the first of the month when the payments come out. 

So ultimately I'm looking for a way to make a rule that states "On the first of every month, increase the custom field "number of sessions available" by 1 on cards with the yellow subscription label" 

It doesn't seem on my end that this is possible in Butler, but I don't understand why. Is there any plans to adjust Butler to allow for these kind of automations or is there a power-up I can use to make this happen instead? 

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Rising Star
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September 12, 2020

@Megan @Iain Dooley 

Did this simple test see how to use a report variable together with a Butler HTTP Request

create a report in variable "ycard" with all cards with the yellow label using pattern "[{cardname}]({cardlink}) - {cardidlong}", and post to url "" with payload "{ \"ycard\" : \"{$ycard}\")"

Below is the json received at the end point (just used an existing one). It does mean, with a better ycard pattern I can then passed it to a module that will use the card id to update the CF for each of the cards or

{ "ycard" : "[Checklist Item 1]( - 5f56118......264726\n[Checklist Item 2]( - 5f56131.....d6930b\n[Checklist Item 3]( - 5f5611.....33e95c05\n")

I could return as httpresponse.something that Butler can continue work to update the CF.

Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
September 12, 2020

@Megan @Iain Dooley 

Here's a demo of the above implementation. The report variable is just {cardidlong} and I added in the payload the custom field name.

create a report in variable "rep_list_card_ids" with all cards with the yellow label using pattern "{cardidlong}", and post to url "" with payload "{ \"rep_list_card_ids\" : \"{$rep_list_card_ids}\" , \"cf_name\" : \"Number\" }"

 The only additional code to handle the report variable is 

card_ids = para['rep_list_card_ids'].split("\n")
card_ids.pop() #remove last element

The rest of the coding of module remains pretty much the same.

This new approach opens up new ways to enhance your Butler experience.

(my apologies - my video production need much improvement)

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Iain Dooley
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September 12, 2020

@Megan You can do this by using a due date command instead of a calendar command like this:

the moment a card with a yellow label is due, increase the number in custom field "Number of Sessions Available" by 1, and move the due date to the same day next month
Megan September 12, 2020

We use due dates on cards to track outreach and there are several other automations that prompt a due date already, so this won't work for me. 

Thank you, though! 

Iain Dooley
Community Leader
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September 12, 2020

@Megan Hmm okay well you could set up a recurring function in Trellinator, it's a little more complicated though.

This function would do it:

Note that it puts a 2 second pause with each increment to avoid hitting Trello's API rate limit (custom fields are quite API call heavy).

To set it up you'd first have to set up Trellinator:

Then when you install the function you use the "Time Trigger" dropdown instead of just pasting in the function name.

Like I said, a little tricky but once it's set up it'll run every month and increment your card values without having to interfere with existing due date automations.

Megan September 12, 2020

Thank you so much! I will give this a try! 

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