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Single Sign on for multiple users

Stephen Cooke August 31, 2020

Is it possible to have a single sign on account for multiple users?  Looking to use Trello for my consulting firm and would like to have a single sign on I could give clients instead of  having them create their own Trello account just to view boards.  

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Alexis Robert
Community Leader
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August 31, 2020

Hi @Stephen Cooke , 


SSO will only be available for users from your own domain (they will need an email address matching this domain), as this is how the SSO platform can identify the accounts attached to your company. 

That's why I think it's probably not a good option for external clients, as you won't be able to control their domain.


Let me know if this helps, 



Michael Pryor
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
August 31, 2020

@Alexis Robert I don't think @Stephen Cooke is talking about SSO.

I think they are asking if they can use the same username/password for multiple people (i.e. use a single "sign-on" or login for multiple users).

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Stephen Cooke August 31, 2020

Thanks Alexis, 

This does help.  Do you know if there is a solution for my team sharing boards with clients that wouldn't require the client to create a Trello account in order to view a board?  I've tried sharing a board with them as an observer and they are still prompted to create an account prior to viewing the board.  My team uses the board for internal collaboration on behalf of our clients but we would like our client to have access to view the board if they wish. 

Stephen Cooke August 31, 2020

@[deleted] Correct, looking for a solution to share a board with clients that wouldn't require them making a Trello account.  I'm wondering if there's an option that would give them view only permissions on a board as a non member/guest.  If that makes sense?  

Michael Pryor
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
August 31, 2020

No, there's no way to currently do this unless you make the board Public, but then other people would be able to see the board.

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