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Renaming cards in a list when the list is renamed?

David Knapp
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August 16, 2020

how can i get all the cards in a list to be renamed to {cardname} + {cardlistname} when (the trigger) the list name is changed?


what im trying to achieve is this:

every week my business gets an invoice from our manufacturer and i need to create a list with cards (tasks) with members and due dates on those cards, the only thing that changes every week is the invoice # , so far ive created a board button that does all this but issue is, i need to rename the list with the invoice # . and i would like the cards to have that "listname" added to each current card name . 


whats the best way to get this done?

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Iain Dooley
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August 16, 2020

@David Knapp you can do this with Butler using a trick I learned from @Vongsawat and collecting all cards in a list into linked items in a checklist:

when a list is renamed, find a card with link "", collect all cards in list "{listname}" into linked items in checklist "TEMPORARY", for each card linked from an item in checklist "TEMPORARY", rename the card to "{cardname} {listname}", find a card with link "", and remove all the items from checklist "TEMPORARY"

Note that you'll need to create a card to hold the temporary checklist items, and also the side effect of this is that all the cards that are renamed will have a linked Trello attachment to that card (I can't see a way to remove the linked card after you're done ... )

Also, the other issue here is that you can't apply a filter to the name of the list that was changed. This will trigger when any list name on the board is changed.

You could do the same thing with Trellinator using this function, without the need for a card to hold linked checklist items and without ending up with a Trello attachment linked on each of the cards that were renamed, and this will also only trigger when a list name is set starting with "#":

You can read more about Trellinator here:

David Knapp
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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August 16, 2020

So I managed to do something easier after hours of research . 
i managed to create a list and create the cards in {listname} . So all I need to do is add the # I want in the button rule . Then it goes through another rule that says - any card added in this board rename to cardname - cardlistname . Voilà . 

shame there’s no direct feature of uploading a google sheet and creating list and cards with all specs needed . 

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Iain Dooley
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August 16, 2020

@David Knapp it's pretty easy to do with Google Apps Script here's a Trellinator function that imports a bunch of rows from a Google sheet and creates cards from them:

Rising Star
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August 16, 2020

@Iain Dooleyjust a note on the initial Butler answer. Collect in to links, not linked items, and you won't have left over attachments.

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