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Upgrade Git on Windows - Wish Application (PID 6388, closing is required)

CarlBateman July 25, 2020

I'm trying to update Git on Windows and get the warning

Upgrade Git on Windows - Wish Application (PID 6388, closing is required)

but have no idea how to close it. It's not listed in Task Manager.

2 answers

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CarlBateman July 26, 2020

I found the Wish Application under the Users tab in Task Manager and ended it there.


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it works on my end, Thanks

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Jimmy Seddon
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July 25, 2020

Hi @CarlBateman,

Two options for finding out what that is (when using either option I recommend opening it as administrator to ensure you have access to view system processes as well)

1) Open a command Prompt and type 'tasklist' this "should" display a list of all running processes and their associated PIDs

2) Open a PowerShell window and run "Get-Process" this should so the same thing but for me appears to be more verbose.  You can also pass the -Id parameter to search for a specific process by ID  (i.e. 'Get-Process -Id 6388')which might be helpful in your particular situation.

I hope that helps you figure out what process is blocking the upgrade.


CarlBateman July 26, 2020

Thanks for the suggestions. I was able to fix it in the end (see elsewhere), but was too busy to post the fix.

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Jimmy Seddon
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July 26, 2020

I'm glad you were able to resolve the issue.

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