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internal server

John_G June 24, 2020

Okay, so I asked this question but now I am giving more description. I have installed bitbucket but right before it opens up "http://localhost:7990" it says "The installer was unable to detect whether Bitbucket started correctly. Please consult the 'C:\AL\Bitbucket\log\atlassian-bitbucket.log' file to verify that Bitbucket started successfully" When I go to C:\AL\Bitbucket, the folder 'log' doesn't exist in said file. When I hit finish it takes me to http://localhost:7990, it comes up with "Hmmm... can't reach this page. Localhost refused to connect" I am so confused on where to go from here, all the help site I've looked up have been to no avail, I am downloading this on a windows 64x PC and just need help. If you can help or need any more information to help please reply I am very desperate.

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Mikael Sandberg
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June 24, 2020

If you start Bitbucket manually from the command line, do you see any error messages then? You should have a start-bitbucket.exe under the bin directory.

John_G June 24, 2020

Thank you so much i am very stupid

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