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Number lists not appearing in comments as expected

matthewmcguff June 9, 2020

I am using the Windows Client of Trello 2.11.5 but was able to reproduce the following issue in desktop but not in Android app 2020.8.14111-candidate. 

Note the following card:

trello-card-before-comment-save.png                                        Then notice what happens to 1 2 and 3 after you save:

trello-card-after-comment-save-with-issue.png                                             If you edit the comment the numbers then show up correctly so it would appear to be something about the the content is being parsed that is transforming the value for display vs. actually changing the content that is saved.  Not sure how to turn this into a ticket as it seems like something that needs to be addressed. 


Can any test on Mac and iphone and confirm if this is happening there?    

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Iain Dooley
Community Leader
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June 10, 2020

@matthewmcguff this is because the desktop apps interpret what you enter as markdown and anything that looks like a numbered list is renumbered regardless of which numbers are actually used:

One simple way to get around this is to use 1) instead of 1.

matthewmcguff June 10, 2020

That works.  Thanks @Iain Dooley !  


While we are on the subject of markdown is there anyway to enable use of another flavor of markdown say like github markdown.  I am a developer and would love to use trello for storing code snippets and code but have started looking at things like Notion instead because markdown isn't fully supported for things like code.   Getting proper syntax highlighting of JavaScript, Python, Java and C# would be a big deal to me.  I have gone as far as looking at adding custom scripts to my implementation of Trello but I don't want to have to do that.  Do you know if there is any plans for Trello to support these things in the future? 

Iain Dooley
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
June 10, 2020

@matthewmcguff I'd say that syntax highlighting and whatnot would be too specific a feature for Trello to implement. If you want to use Trello as a code reference library for snippets, you could use the Github API to create a secret gist then grab a link to it and put it on the card. You could automate this using Trellinator:

The way I'd do it is:

Then you have to use Google Apps Script to post to the gist API in the "implement me" bit:

This means that in your Trello snippets library board, you could add the "Code" label to any card, then paste your code snippet into the description, it would automatically post that to gist, get a link to it and attach it to the card.

matthewmcguff June 10, 2020

Works for me.  I will setup that up then.  Thanks.

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