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Butler and custom field

Alexey Simonov June 5, 2020

Hello, i try to use custom field with butler in "due date".

I create Custom Field named "Notify" and want to make Butler automation like:

"variable from custom field Notify" days before due date send email.

So if i put 5 in Custom Field before 5 days due date i get email. 

But, i cant make it work cause cant use custom field in trigger section.

2 answers

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Brittany Joiner
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June 5, 2020

@Alexey Simonov hi there!

Have you thougth about using the Due Date field on the Trello card, rather than a custom field? When you set the due date there, you can specify when you'd like to be notified about it. I don't believe it goes out to 5 days, but you can set it to 2 days out. If you wanted to be hacky you could make the due date 3 days earlier and then set the notification to come 2 days before, which would be 5 days before the date you're actually looking for. Would that work?


Alexey Simonov June 5, 2020

Sorry, its not solution, i need recieve notification in some boards before 20+ days. I use it like license reminder so  due date show real license expiration date.

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Iain Dooley
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June 5, 2020

@Alexey Simonov instead of using a variable to manage the interval prior to notifying you can do something like this:

2020-06-06 at 3.03 pm.pngThen you can have your "variations" basically represented as separate butler rules for different labels. It limits the scope of the total number of variations you could have, so it may not fit your use case, but if your notifications are, say, 7, 21, 28 days then it would be feasible to set that up using 3 different labels/butler rules.

Alexey Simonov June 5, 2020

Thx, that's the way I currently use it, but its not really flexible for me cause I can use any period (1-30 days)

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