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The app returned "Rate limit exceeded: requests per interval for API token".

hank nahum June 3, 2020

I am getting the following error on Zapier when a zap is supposed to occur from Zapier to Trello - how do I fix this? 


The app returned "Rate limit exceeded: requests per interval for API token".

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Reto Gehring [Valiantys]
Rising Star
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June 4, 2020


As I don't know the specific setup, you have it's dificult to tell you how. You have to reduce  the number of requests over time.


There is a limit of 300 requests per 10 seconds for each API key and no more than 100 requests per 10 second interval for each token. If a request exceeds the limit, Trello will return a 429 error.,will%20return%20a%20429%20error.

A very simple way to do so is to add a delay after each request.

Hope this helps or maybe you can exlplain your setup a bit.



hank nahum June 4, 2020

Hey Reto, 

I have a paperform > zapier > trello zap set up 

I'm auto pulling field from the form, creating a new card & mapping the appropriate custom fields & labels 

For some reason I kept getting the error when testing my zap & sometimes certain fields are available from the paperform but they aren't being added to the custom fields of the new cards after its been set up.

Reto Gehring [Valiantys]
Rising Star
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June 4, 2020

Well in this case I suggest to use the zapier helper "delay after queue", to avoid the rate limit problem.

Just add this helper between the paperform and the trello connector.



hank nahum June 4, 2020

Thanks Reto - where is this Queue Title being added? Is it needed? 

Also - on any given day the submissions vary from 10-30 different submissions. How would you suggest we get this added to ensure it doesn't fail on entry or skip updating specific fields via Trello?

queue delay.PNG

Iain Dooley
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June 5, 2020

@hank nahum @Reto Gehring [Valiantys] I assume this is the reason for your errors reported in the other post :) the custom fields API is VERY intensive, it makes tonnes of calls for pretty simple operations.

If there's a delay component in Zapier, then I'd recommend setting one custom field value, waiting 2 seconds, then setting another custom field value and so on, ie. set each field one at a time then pause.

hank nahum June 6, 2020

@Iain Dooley 

How would that work if I'm passing all that data to one unique NEW card being created within Trello from the same zap? 

Would it looks something like this? How do I ensure it's passing the data to same card ?








Iain Dooley
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June 7, 2020

@hank nahum if you create a card you should be able to use the id of the created card in a subsequent search action

hank nahum June 7, 2020

Hmm I'm not sure if Zapier offers such an option but I'll play around with it to see if that's possible. 

Do you know if this would happen on the same zap or it'd need an entirely new zap for the next fields? 

Iain Dooley
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June 7, 2020

@hank nahum I don't have a Zapier account anymore but I'm pretty sure if you create a Trello card then the id of the created card is available to use with a subsequent search so you can operate on the card (or use the card in actions with other apps). You can definitely do it in the same Zap, you'll obviously have to be on the paid plan because it's a multi-step Zap.

Reto Gehring [Valiantys]
Rising Star
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June 8, 2020

@hank nahum  Yes it would look like you mentioned above, however I saw that the minimal delay is 1 minute, that might be not acceptable for your solution. 

I don't have particular expirience for your case so I'm not able to give you the correct parameters. You might have to play around with the parmeters to find a setup that is feasable for your case.



hank nahum June 8, 2020

In my particular case I found a solution to the data being skipped but Zapier has received numerous reports of users experiencing the error I mentioned & are investigating. I'll close this ticket for now. 

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