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Is it possible to bulk add a member to all cards in a Board?

William Staros
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June 3, 2020

We hired a new employee and Id like to add her to all cards within my Board without going card by card

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William Staros
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
June 3, 2020

I don't know. I am new to Trello. If they are simply a member on the Board, do they need to be on the cards? I thought you needed to be on a card to get a notification for updates.

Iain Dooley
Community Leader
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June 3, 2020

@William Staros when you're added as a member to a card, you automatically watch the card which means you get notified about everything that happens to the card, but you can also watch a list, or a board. Also, if you are mentioned by name you will always see a notification:

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Iain Dooley
Community Leader
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June 3, 2020

@William Staros there isn't one built in, but if you're going to add someone to all cards wouldn't it just be equivalent to not adding them to any cards?

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