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logging in with google account - whole boards missing

M_s April 30, 2020

Ive been using trello for years logging into it with my google account. as of a few days ago, i find that i can log in, but every board, card is missing and it prompts me to start a new account.  i believe it still works on my android, but i'm afraid to log in for fear that it will be permanently deleted.  what do i do to get my account working?  

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Iain Dooley
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April 30, 2020

@M_s probably you upgraded to Atlassian when your Google email has changed from the email you used to use when you originally created your Trello account. You can do a forgot password request using your old email, reset the pass and get into Trello.

Then you'll need to delete the Atlassian account you created with your new email, wait 14 days for it to actually delete, then change your Email account in Trello to your new Google email, then upgrade to Atlassian again, login with Google and viola.

M_s May 3, 2020

Hi: thanks for answering but it's confusing.

I changed my gmail password, and logged into Trello.  No boards.  it shows my user name and profile, but again, no boards.  On my android, I never changed the password from before and the boards show up.

Can you please lay out the details of what I need to do?  I don't recall setting up or upgrading to Atlassian so I'm not sure even how to log in and delete it???..... I do not want any actions to permanently remove my boards from trello. I'm just confused what to do again, thanks

Iain Dooley
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May 3, 2020

@M_s when you're logged in on your other computer using your gmail account, is the username of your account the same as the user name you see on your Android device?

M_s May 5, 2020

On  the android, I haven't logged out, so I don't know my password or how I logged in originally.  However the boards show, and it does have my original user name, the one I started with.  I saved from before the older trello URL on my pc, so when logging into that with my google account (and after changing the password) it does still bring up the page, but with a different user name, and it shows no boards. Board not found.  When I take the main trello log in screen and not using my saved URL, it prompts me to the newer trello website which tells me to create a new board.  I just need the method to regain my old user name and know the password, and then log in to see my boards.  thanks for your help

Iain Dooley
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
May 5, 2020

@M_s okay so if you're seeing a different username, that's a different account.

One thing you could do is invite your new user name to one of your old boards via the android app, then mention your old username in a comment and see which email address gets the notifications or something like that. Just see which email address is connected to the account that's logged into Android, then login on the web using that email address.

M_s May 9, 2020

I invited my new user name to the old boards and then accepted, so now my old user name boards show up as accepted and visible in the newer user name, so at least I can see all boards.  i'm still not sure how to log into the old user name account, unless you can explain it again, but it's functional now, but only as being invited

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