Visio plugin vs Linux browser

Ken Poulton November 23, 2012

Some users would like to use the Visio plugin, but we use both windows and Linux browsers.

What does the Visio plugin show in a Linux browser (e.g., Firefox)?

Any suggestions for how to allow Visio that is at least readable by Linux users?

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Bob Swift (personal)
Rising Star
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November 23, 2012

The visio macro uses the Microsoft visio control which requires IE either directly or via IE tab support in FireFox and Chrome. This means the client must be Windows. A default or user specified message is displayed when IE is not available.

Ken Poulton November 26, 2012

For my understanding: what is the "visio control" ? What is the advantage of using this versus writing this macro in an OS-independent fashion?

As a workaround: is there a way to show an image of the visio file for non-IE platforms rather than an error message?

Bob Swift (personal)
Rising Star
Rising Star
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November 26, 2012

It is Microsoft provided ActiveX control and only works on Windows platforms :(. Some time ago there was an effort to look to do something that was not Microsoft dependent, but it did not pan out. If you really want cross-platform diagrams, I would avoid Visio altogether and go with Gliffy or one of the other Confluence based diagramming tools. And on more recent releases they are providing Visio import/conversion support.

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