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Server or Cloud for self training and possible certification

Mary_Ann_Nazzaro April 10, 2020

Hello. My company is running server based Confluence/Jira.  I design eLearning and have been assigned to be the lead architect in the Education component we will be adding as we build a customer experience portal. I have experience in installing a Moodle Server and managing learners, but I am new to Confluence. 

I have enrolled in the free Atlassian training. I would like complete control of Confluence hands on, as I take my training and do the hands on homework they provide. 

Should I download the Server software and install on a desktop I have (not currently being used) or should I use the Cloud version. I want the experience/interface to match what my company is using (Server Based).  Thank you

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Ravi Sagar _Sparxsys_
Rising Star
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April 10, 2020

Hi @Mary_Ann_Nazzaro 

If your company is using server version then it makes sense to practice on server version.

Fortunately you can easily install it on your local computer or a test environment. Just install the application files from and create evaluation license.

For learning the official documentation is always the most up to date source.

I hope it helps.


Mary_Ann_Nazzaro April 12, 2020

Thanks. It helps alot!

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Kate _izi_
Marketplace Partner
Marketplace Partners provide apps and integrations available on the Atlassian Marketplace that extend the power of Atlassian products.
April 13, 2020

@Mary_Ann_Nazzaro , if you plan using Confluence for learning and onboarding, you can consider making courses and knowledge tests right in Confluence.

Mary_Ann_Nazzaro April 13, 2020

Thank you. We are using Server. I started taking the free training that Atlassian provides.

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