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Hide important fields in cards

Damon Chung
I'm New Here
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March 27, 2020

Hide certain important fields, so only some privileged member can see certain important information on the card? is it possible or work arounds

2 answers

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Iain Dooley
Community Leader
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March 29, 2020

@Damon Chung the best way to keep some information private is to create a document in the online cloud storage of your choice (Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive and so on) and then link to that document from the card, sharing it only with those who should be able to see the restricted information.

Esme Crutchley
Community Leader
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March 30, 2020

Hi @Iain Dooley 

Thank you for adding that, I hadn't thought about doing it that way! I'll remember that in future!

0 votes
Esme Crutchley
Community Leader
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March 28, 2020

Hi @Damon Chung 

Welcome to the Community!

Unfortunately, there isn't a way to impose card level limits or field limits.

If this is something that you want to have, you could consider suggesting this as a feature request by looking at this help page on submitting feature requests, or by emailing

Sorry I couldn't be more help :(

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