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Can Trello be used as public issue tracker?

diminutivesloop March 26, 2020

Is it possible to set up Trello as a public issue tracker? Specifically I'd want to do the following:

  1. Allow non-members to add cards but not edit or delete them.
  2. Allow non-members to comment and vote on cards.
  3. Share the board to non-members via a link but don't make discoverable via google.

1 answer

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Antonio Panea
Rising Star
Rising Star
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March 26, 2020

Hi @diminutivesloop ,


Here Toni to help! I am on the same point thing.So let's go point by point:

  1. Not possible. If they can creat cards they can edit or delete. What you can do is create a form and link it with the board. Everytime they fulfilled a form a new card is created.
  2. Choose the correct permission for that on your public board. Go to board configuration and choose the permissions as you wish
  3.  Go to board configuration and share board via link.

Hope it helps!


diminutivesloop March 27, 2020

Is this the "share board via link" option you're referring to? Based on the documentation it appears to only be a shareable link for inviting new members to the board. I want to be able to share a link with non-members that will allow them to comment and vote on cards without having full edit permissions and without having to become members. I don't want to have to pay the monthly user fee for each person that wants to report an issue. Ideally the only users I'd be paying for would be for the dev team members using the board to collect bug reports and plan their work. From what I've seen so far the only option that meets those requirements would be to make the board fully public and accessible via Google.

Antonio Panea
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
March 27, 2020

Hi @diminutivesloop ,

In a public board everyone can join through google. For being Trello user you don't need to pay so I don't get you point exactly.

Moreover if they are not Trello user there is no way the can leave a comment.

Good luck with it and hope someone from the community can give you the right solution.



diminutivesloop April 1, 2020

Ok I must have misunderstood the pricing scheme. However it still looks like Trello won't be a good fit for my use case. While I can share the board via a link, anyone who joins via that link will be added as a board member which gives them permission to edit and move cards when I only want them to be able to submit and comment on issues. Now I could make the board public and enable commenting for observers but that wouldn't fulfill requirement #3 since I only want people I've directly shared a link with or added as members to have access (in retrospect I maybe shouldn't have referred to this as a "public issue tracker").

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