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How can you archive/close boards, within a Team in a free trello account?

melissa_harris March 23, 2020

We have a free Trello account, with a team set up. Over time people have come and gone and we want to archive/close old team boards that are unused and free up team boards for new active boards. This would also allow us to remove old team members no longer part of the team. 

- Can we still do this within the free account? 

- When I search, I've found plenty of instructions that show how to 'close a board' and then it's closed, or archived but then not completely lost, and still able to be viewed in 'closed boards' however - on my view there is no option to 'close or archive boards' in the settings, even though I'm Admin. 

There is only the option to 'remove from team' - is this the same thing? 

When I try this, the board is removed, but completely disappears and can't be located within the team or anywhere. 

The main goal we are trying to do, is archive old boards, to free up the limit of team boards as we only have less than 10 active team boards, without losing past content.  

Any advice? 

2 answers

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Antonio Panea
Rising Star
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March 24, 2020

Hi @melissa_harris ,

that is a nice question! What I think is happening is that you are removing  the board from the team but if there is people added to the board the board remains there and the rest of board members still having access.

As you are the admin of them, did you try changing the board from your Team Board to Personal board? Once you do that you can go to the board which will appear in Personal Boards and the close it and delete permanently.

Hope it helps!


Iain Dooley
Community Leader
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March 24, 2020

@melissa_harris in addition to the above advice from @Antonio Panea if you just want to free up your 10 board limit within a team, you don't even need to close or archive the boards after making them personal. If you're an admin member on all boards, you can set up Trellinator under your own api key/token by following these instructions:

and then run this function which will make all boards you have admin access to personal (remove them from any team) without changing membership or archiving the boards:

0 votes
melissa_harris March 25, 2020

Thanks @Iain Dooley  and @Antonio Panea  really appreciate the advice. I've discovered I'm admin on most, but not all boards and looking at correcting that now and having a go with the above solutions. I'll keep you posters - but thanks for taking the time to give me your suggestions

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