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How to add a check list?

Christine Baker December 22, 2019

I feel so incredibly stupid, probably have early onset Alzheimer's.

I keep reading:

I cannot figure out how to add a card with a list, no matter WHAT I do -- except I KNOW I've seen the options, I've even done it!

There's a button for templates and it says I don't have any.

Like the village idiot, I have NO idea what to do.

2 answers

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European Educational Services December 22, 2019

Here is a short key for a checklist, I hope it will help you a lot.

Pressing “-” will add a checklist to a card.  or  


Enjoy trello!

Christine Baker December 22, 2019

@European Educational Services-- thank you very much!

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Kat Warner
Marketplace Partner
Marketplace Partners provide apps and integrations available on the Atlassian Marketplace that extend the power of Atlassian products.
December 22, 2019

I know the feeling well. 

When you open the card, what are you seeing in the list of options under Add?


Christine Baker December 22, 2019

Thanks, Kat, I KNEW it was right there.  I just didn't know how to get to that menu and I kept trying to add a new card with a list (template).

So you have to CLICK ON THE CARD that's already there instead of adding it. 

In a month I have my first neurologist appointment and I sure hope there's something I can do.  I bought my first computer in 1983 (CPM) and now I constantly can't do the simplest things.

I've already watched so many Trello tutorials, but can't remember ...

Sure appreciate your support here, thanks!

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Kat Warner
Marketplace Partner
Marketplace Partners provide apps and integrations available on the Atlassian Marketplace that extend the power of Atlassian products.
December 22, 2019

All the best for the new year @Christine Baker 

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Christine Baker December 22, 2019

Thanks, Kat, and Happy New Year to you too! @Kat Warner 

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