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Prevent opening at login

Deleted user December 15, 2019

How can I prevent Sourcetree to open at login?

I run Sourcetree 4.0 (232) on macOS Catalina 10.15.1

Every time I restart computer Sourcetree is automatically opened. I can not uncheck the check box 'Open At Login'. Is there any option to stop Sourcetree from opening at login.

Thank you!


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Yogesh Mude
Rising Star
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December 15, 2019

Hi @[deleted] 

in Windows, we can open the Task manager --> in startup section shows all the applications that will start automatically whenever windows startup so we can select the specific application and disable it.

for Mac, you can visit this article and try.

Deleted user December 22, 2019

Thank you for your help!

I removed item from the 'Login Items' list for the my user in 'Users & Groups' and this worked fine.

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