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PowerUp (Repeater) not showing up for one of the board members

Marta Sieczko
I'm New Here
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October 3, 2019

We have a private team board with 3 members (all admin). I activated the Repeater powerup on my end, and it also works for one other member. The third person in the group can't see Repeater on their cards and said "I clicked "get power-ups" and typed in Repeater and it says that it's already activated but I can't see anywhere to add it to my card." Both team members attached screenshots. 

We tried deactivating and reactivating from various sides but it's still not showing for the third member. Any ideas why or how to fix it? 



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Devon Henderson
Rising Star
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October 3, 2019

Hi Marta!

That's definitely not good! My suggestion would be to try a few things to see if the issue lies with something outside of Trello, before we go that route (as issues outside of Trello are often easier to fix).

  1. Try logging into Trello using Incognito or Private Browsing mode in the browser to see if it shows up there
  2. Try using another browser to see if it shows up

Let us know what browser they are using and if either of these helps resolve the issue :)

Hope this helps!

Marta Sieczko
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
October 3, 2019

thank you! the issue was resolved by downloading the Trello software. Weirdly, i believe it was the browser ad-blocker which prevented trello to work fully. Many thanks!

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