How can I get all not done Epics where the Epics' stories are already in done state?

Viktor Nagy September 9, 2019

So the problem is to create a query which gives back Epics where all the Stories are already closed, but the Epic is still pending in some other state.

And this should be done in multiple projects.

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Muhammad Ramzan_Atlassian Certified Master_
Rising Star
Rising Star
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September 9, 2019

You can achieve this easily by using   JQL Search Extensions for Jira & reports plugin.


Following query will return all stories with closed status under all epics of project1,project2


issue in allIssuesInEpic("issuetype=story and status=closed AND project in (project1,project2)")


here is the documentation of all queries.

Viktor Nagy September 9, 2019

Thanks for the help. 
Still, I need the Epics, not the stories.
Epics where all stories closed, but not the Epic.

Muhammad Ramzan_Atlassian Certified Master_
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
September 9, 2019

No issue, to get epics please use following query.

it will return all epics belongs to projects which have closed stories.

issue in epicOf("issuetype = Story and status=closed and project in (test2)")
Viktor Nagy September 9, 2019

This will give me all Epics with at least 1 closed story. If I'm not mistaken.

I need the Epics which has only closed stories.

Muhammad Ramzan_Atlassian Certified Master_
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
September 9, 2019

Please use following query, it will only return those epics which have user stories with close status

just add the status as per your work flow

issue in epicOf("issuetype = Story and status='close' and project in (test2)") and issue not in epicOf("issuetype = Story and status in ('open','in progress') and project in (test2)")

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