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Unable to login in bitbucket server

Andrea Zanotti August 29, 2019

Hi all,

On our network we have, on 3 different machines, Jira, Bitbucket and Confluence.

Both Bitbucket and Confluence are integrated with Jira so that the credentials are stored only by the Jira server (with Atlassian crowd)

With my credentials I am able to log in in Jira (fine), Confluence (very good, this mean JIRA is able to serve the credentials to other servers) but the same set of credentials do not work for Bitbucket (well, yesterday they were working, the problem is today). Other users can access each server without problem.

I have admin access to all the three machines (if it's needed to check some config).

I have already tried to reboot the bitbucket machine, but they try was unsuccessful.

2 answers

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Rafael Pinto Sperafico
Rising Star
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August 30, 2019

Hi @Andrea Zanotti ,

"Both Bitbucket and Confluence are integrated with Jira so that the credentials are stored only by the Jira server (with Atlassian crowd)".

When Bitbucket Server was installed, do you remember if username zanotti was able to log in to Bitbucket Server before User Management was configured with Jira Server? If so, there are great chances Bitbucket Internal Directory is listed before Jira in Bitbucket Server.

If the above is true, when attempting on authenticating against Bitbucket Server, the application would search for user zanotti in the database trying to authenticate with credentials given to the first SQL row retrieved.

If there are two users zanotti, one from Internal Directory and another from Jira Server (in this order), Bitbucket would try to authenticate user zanotti against the first directory (in this example - Bitbucket Internal Directory) where the password might differ from the user coming from Jira.

Perhaps another administrator in Bitbucket Server could review this information for you. t the same time, reviewing when was the last time a User Directory sync happened in Bitbucket Server against Jira Server.

Kind regards,

Andrea Zanotti August 30, 2019

Hi @Rafael Pinto Sperafico ,

that was exactly the problem. My user was present both in internal directory and in Jira. We deleted my credentials from internal directory and this solved the problem (as my credential remained alive only in Jira server)

Thanks a lot,


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Jimmy Seddon
Community Leader
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August 29, 2019

Hi @Andrea Zanotti,

Welcome to the Community!

I'mm sorry you're running into this I always hate these types of issues.  Just out of curiosity, have you changed your password recently?  I know I have been caught by that one in the past myself.

Can you tell me which version of BitBucket you are running?  I'm going to make some suggestions based on what I would be looking at (but we are running v6.4.0).

I'd start by looking at the atlassian-bitbucket-audit.log which you can find in the log/audit folder of the bitbucket home directory on the server BitBucket is installed on.  In this log you will want to search for your username and you should be able to locate a log line that will give you more details about what went wrong when you tried to login.

If that doesn't provide any help the other file to check would be the atlassian-bitbucket.log which will be in the log folder of the bitbucket home directory on the server BitBucket is installed on.

In here you will be looking for any large error messages which indicate communication issues between the BitBucket and Jira servers.  The fact that other users can login, makes me thing this one may be less likely.

I hope that helps!


Andrea Zanotti August 30, 2019

Hi @Jimmy Seddon

I forgot to mention that I had already checked the logs. Just to be sure, I tried it again today:

${HOME_DIR}/log/atlassian-bitbucket.log -> no entries relative my login

${HOME_DIR}/log/audit/atlassian-bitbucket-audit.log -> AuthenticationFailureEvent | zanotti | 1567148275100 | zanotti | {"authentication-method":"form","error":"Invalid username or password."} 

While the exact same credentials have been used in confluence three seconds before the test and three seconds after.

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