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How do I find out what is required to install JIRA/Bitbucket/Confluence on a Oracle Linux VM

SK July 30, 2019

For example, I have to install Bitbucket 6.5.1 version on Oracle Linux Server 7.6. I need to know all the requirements like RPM, kernel parameter, any additional privileges user need etc.


Need some help as a preparation to meet all the requirements for the software before installation.

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Dave Theodore [Coyote Creek Consulting]
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July 30, 2019

Check out the Supported Platforms page and the Installation Guide page. It should explain everything.  With Bitbucket, the most challenging thing will be getting a supported version of Git running on a RPM based system. You shouldn't need to worry about other system parameters too much. It basically just needs Java and Git to run.

SK July 30, 2019

"With Bitbucket, the most challenging thing will be getting a supported version of Git running on a RPM based system." Can you please explain it a little better?

Also, I couldn't find Oracle Linux Server 7.6 in the list of compatible Linux version.




Dave Theodore [Coyote Creek Consulting]
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July 30, 2019

Do a `yum search git` and see what git version is available. That version is not likely to be a version supported by Bitbucket. You will need to somehow install a version that is supported.  There are a variety of methods you can use. I would recommend either obtaining a pre-built RPM from a reputable source or setting up a build environment to roll your own. We have a build environment for RedHat/CentOS/Oracle/Whitebox, etc(same stuff) 6 and 7 for this reason. It's enough of a problem for us that we maintain our own rpm-build systems for our clients.

Oracle linux is just a respin of RedHat. As long as it can run Java, you're good. Technically, Atlassian could tell you to move things to CentOS in order to obtain support from them, but I struggle to imagine a situation where they would do that in this case. If you were trying to run on AIX or something like that, maybe.

Samir Kabiraj July 30, 2019

Thanks Dave for your help.

I don't have a need for Linux client for Git. It will be windows Git client and Linux Bitbucket server. Do I still need to worry about matching Git for an RMP based Linux Butbucket server?

Max Malygin July 31, 2019

In any case, you need to install git on the server.

SK August 1, 2019

My understanding was that Git will be serving client (windows) and Bitbucket will be severing as a server (Linux). Could you please help me understand the components involved in the installation?


Max Malygin August 1, 2019

Bitbucket works as web/ssh interface when any operations with source code  storage using git binary on server.

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Dave Theodore [Coyote Creek Consulting]
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August 1, 2019

Your understanding is slightly incorrect.  Bitbucket sits on top of git and manipulates it. Read over the installation guide that I linked in my first post and it will walk you through how to set things up.

Users do need to install a git client on their workstation, but you also need to do this on the Bitbucket server.

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SK August 1, 2019

When I click on the installation guide it takes me to an interactive page and there are several options. I was thinking this will be a pdf document that will describe the process. Anyway, as I said our servers are Oracle linux 7.6 and this is my understanding for Git/Bitbucket installation:

1) Download Bitbucket server on Linux from an archive file

2) Make sure the ports, database info, etc.

3) Install/upgrade Git version <-- I understand that it may be hard to find out the matching Git version for Bitbucket on a RPM based system

4) Extract tart.gz

5) Create Installation directory

6) Create Home Directory 

7) Start Bitbucket

8) configure Bitbucket

Now install Git on windows client side 

1) install git standalone windows installer

2) Configure user name and email 


Please let me know if my overall steps are correct for Git/Bitbucket installation.

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