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How to exclude files when deploying to s3 with the aws-s3-deploy pipeline?

Rodrigo Serrano
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March 12, 2019

I've been trying the aws-s3-deploy pipeline (, with little success.

My goal is to exclude the .git folder from deployment. According to the pipelin documentation, I set the var

    EXTRA_ARGS: "--exclude '.git/*'"

The pipeline runs correctly, but the .git folder is always uploaded to S3. If I use double quotes, it is also uploaded. If I remove the quotes, an error happens (because the shell tries to expand).

Whenever I don't use quotes, and I don't use wildcards, for example

    EXTRA_ARGS: "--exclude"

everything works as expected and the file is excluded. So the problem seems to be whenever I want to use wildcards.

Any ideas on how to exclude the .git folder from deployment?

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Steven Vaccarella
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 19, 2019

Could you try this:

EXTRA_ARGS: '--exclude=.git/*'

We're currently looking at whether we can improve the way pipes handle parameters that contain special characters like * or " but for now I think this might work.

dam0 March 19, 2019

Excellent! It works, thanks.

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Adam Krawczyk
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May 25, 2019

For me works too. Thanks!

1 vote
Anil Pothula
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November 23, 2020

tried few combinations to ignore multiple files and folders and this works for me.

EXTRA_ARGS: '--exclude=.git/* --exclude .gitignore --exclude bitbucket-pipelines.yml --exclude'
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Edwin Kyalangalilwa
Rising Star
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March 12, 2019

Hi @Rodrigo Serrano ,

How about using:

EXTRA_ARGS: '--exclude=".git/*"'
Rodrigo Serrano
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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March 13, 2019

No, exchanging single for double quotes (or the opposite) does not work. This is the log from the pipeline console:


( ... )
Status: Downloaded newer image for bitbucketpipelines/aws-s3-deploy:0.2.2
INFO: Starting deployment to S3...
aws s3 sync . s3://<my-bucket-here>/ --cache-control=max-age=3600 --delete --exclude --exclude ".git/*"
Completed 23 Bytes/~2.2 MiB (122 Bytes/s) with ~88 file(s) remaining (calculating...)
upload: .git/HEAD to s3://<my-bucket-here>/.git/HEAD
(... etc ...)

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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 13, 2019

I haven't tried it, but .git has directories in it, so wouldn't you have to also exclude .git/*/* and maybe even .git/*/*/* - which sort of doesn't make sense. Have you tried just `--exclude .git`?

dam0 March 18, 2019

EXTRA_ARGS: '--exclude=".git/*"' - formats correctly to the command line. If copied & run from the terminal it works, but not within the pipe...

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