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Fetch doesn't update commit list/graph?

sjcarroll February 13, 2019

Hello -

If I know there have been commits since my last pull and I do a fetch, the commit list/graph does not update showing all the remote commits that are available.  I swore this was working at some point, and the list would show the branch all the way to the latest commit, and which commit my local files were on and such.  I have the 'Show Remote Branches' box checked, and I'm using 3.0.17.  Is there some other setting I'm missing or is this a bug?  Or am I just remembering things incorrectly?

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Mike Corsaro
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
February 13, 2019

Hello! We're not aware of any issues with this, could you post a screenshot highlighting the issue? Is your online provider showing a different commit graph? If you run "git log --graph" does it look different than Sourcetree?

sjcarroll February 13, 2019

Hi Mike!

The 'Show Remote Branches' checkbox was checked and this didn't seem to work.  I've had that enabled since I installed the software.  However just for fun, I unchecked it, and re-checked that option.  Then I did a fetch.  After that manual toggling of the property, the commit graph seemed to display as I would expect.  It's almost as if there was some issue with upgrading from 3.0.9 to 3.0.12 to 3.0.17 where the UI showed that value as checked, but internal business logic thought it wasn't.

Anyway it works for me now.  Thanks for your reply!

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