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Why I love using Atlas with Slack integrations

G’day everyone!

In the spirit of our Work’n It Badge for this month, I want to share my appreciation for the Slack + Atlas integration and how I use it during the week.

I love the updates that Atlas can provide and integrating it with my Slack channels just makes it easier to review updates from teams in the flow of my work. Plus, it makes it easier for me to share out my updates at the end of the week rather than taking the extra step to share these updates individually in different channels. I’m not the best at promoting my own work every week (I know, I’m a marketer, how does that work) but Atlas does help me overcome some of that by making it ritualistic and automatic. 

Ok ok, enough of the fanboying… how do I actually use it?

Once the Atlas app is connected to your Slack, you’ll see the nifty Atlas icon in the bottom left of the screen under the apps dropdown.     

                                         Screenshot 2023-06-27 at 2.51.21 PM.png

Every time I click on the icon, I get a recap of all the current status of the projects that I follow. Realistically, I don’t look at all of them (I mean that’s 78 to look at every week!) but I do peruse the ones that are important to me. I love that I automatically get it and it’s a good reminder to review what happened last week on work on a Monday morning.

Screenshot 2023-06-27 at 2.52.30 PM.png

At the end of the week, I get a different reminder. In my head, the reminder looks like this:


Slack notification from Atlas: Hey Emilee - don’t forget to update your project!

Me : Thanks Atlas, I know, but it’s 8 am on Friday. Can I get to it later?

Which I do - I have calendar reminders to do this every Friday afternoon. Got to wrap up those last few things to put in the update for everyone! I do wish I could figure out how to adjust the timing of the notification so I could get rid of my calendar reminder.

Realistically, the notification looks like this:Screenshot 2023-06-27 at 2.55.28 PM (1).png


Then when updates have been added to Atlas, the integration with slack automatically adds them to the channel that we have synced the updates too. Everyone in the channel now sees the updates directly in slack.

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Have I convinced you how much easier it is to have Atlas synced with Slack? Check out this other post to learn all the ways to integrate the products and how to add an Atlas project to a Slack channel.

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