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Jira Work Management is a great tool to support individual project members.

Brant Schroeder
Community Leader
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July 13, 2023

Jira Work Management has proven time and again to be an invaluable tool that plays a pivotal role in not only streamlining team collaboration but also in propelling individual team members towards success. With its extensive array of features, such as boards, lists, calendars, and timelines, Jira Work Management empowers individuals to effectively manage their tasks and projects in a visually intuitive format.

One of the key advantages of Jira Work Management is its ability to provide a holistic view of the work at hand. The boards feature allows team members to organize their tasks into customizable boards, which can be tailored to match specific workflows or project requirements. This visual representation of work not only helps individuals gain a clear understanding of the overall project status but also assists in identifying bottlenecks or areas that require immediate attention.

Moreover, the lists feature in Jira Work Management provides a structured approach to task management. Individuals can create and categorize their tasks, breaking them down into manageable subtasks or assigning priorities. This feature promotes better organization and enables team members to focus on individual components, resulting in enhanced productivity and a higher chance of achieving their goals.

The inclusion of calendars and timelines further augments Jira Work Management's effectiveness. Calendars allow individuals to schedule their tasks, set deadlines, and track progress over time. With a quick glance, team members can assess their upcoming commitments and ensure timely completion of their work. Additionally, the timelines feature provides a visual representation of task dependencies and project milestones, allowing individuals to understand the sequence of activities and plan accordingly.

By leveraging these powerful features, Jira Work Management facilitates an environment where individuals can thrive and succeed. The ability to visualize tasks, track progress, and manage deadlines in a user-friendly and intuitive manner enhances individual understanding and overall success. Whether it's tracking individual contributions or collaborating with teammates, Jira Work Management serves as a reliable companion, empowering individuals to excel in their work.

What advantages has your team found with Jira Work Management?



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Christine B July 14, 2023

Thank you for the article.  JWM toolkit will help to streamline, improve service levels, and boost Customer satisfaction while improving KPIs.

Linh Pham_Ricksoft_Inc
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
July 16, 2023

Great summary! My team really enjoyed JWM as an additional tool for the marketing function, especially for collecting work intake via Forms. Previously, we manually input requests from Slack to a Jira ticket but with the Forms feature, everything is so much faster now, plus, we also have a better system to prioritize these requests in real-time. :D 

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