Just looking for tips on how to gain more knowledge from the admin perspective. Glad I found this community!
@edwin vasquez : WELCOME ! ✨😎🤘
You are certainly in the right place and are in goooooood company!
1. First tip, as a young admin: Never Give Up ! It's such a vital role in organisations and doesn't often get the respect it deserves. (Speaking from experience!)
2. Secondly, seek out other more experienced Admins through the Online Community (via the links provided by Erica!) as well as the Offline Community (now formally Community Events but still using User Groups title for now: aug.atlassian.com)
3. As a final pointer, to help you deep-dive into Jira specifically, start here:
What's your best Jira Software tip/trick/workaround?
Some of the biggest nerds (read: most experienced users) have provided their top tips!!
E N J O Y !
Sorry about the late reply, but thanks for the info and great tips! Looking forward to socializing, learning, and helping others as well.