Happy Wednesday Everyone!
One of my favorite posts each week is the Friday Fun posts! The main reason for this is because it’s something that all Community members can sign up for and share something fun for all users to interact with.
In addition to this, you can earn a “fun“ kudos badge for your participation.
Did you know that there are currently open spots available? The next two weeks in May are currently unclaimed and we can always start up a new sign up page for June and beyond if people are interested.
My question for you this week is: Have you signed up for a Friday Fun post yet? If not, why?
As the organizer of the sign up page, I generally don’t sign up myself as I will usually fill in when we have a week (or two) that isn’t claimed by anyone.
What makes a great Friday Fun post you may ask? Honestly, it can be able anything! The best posts are the ones where you share a little bit about yourself and prompt others who have similar interests/experiences to join in and share as well!
If you are interested in sharing a Friday Fun post, comment here and we’ll get you signed up!
Have a great rest of the week!
Jimmy Seddon
Sr R&D Tools Administrator
Arctic Wolf
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
179 accepted answers